miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Never-ending nights

Never Forever by `pahness

Camille Rowe photographed by Jenny Gage and Tom Betterton for Lula Magazine Fall/Winter 2011

by Shayne Stroud 

by Alfons Maria Mucha

by Aja Ojo

Anatomy of Melancholy, Katarzyna Widmanska (c)

Melancholy by Capeswish

Anatomy of Melancholy, Katarzyna Widmanska (c)

Noches traicioneras, cuando te acuestas y te encuentras frente a frente con el silencio y la oscuridad, los pensamientos que creías haber acallado, susurran sin parar.
Backstabber nights, when you go to bed and find yourself face to face with the silence and darkness, the thoughts that you thought you had hushed, whisper incessantly.

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