Photo of Evagelia Maravelias and Brian Wenckebach |
Su música es una mezcla de electrónica y dream-pop combinada con mucha personalidad y ganas de experimentar. Los componentes de Elika se complementan a la perfección y eso se nota en el resultado, mientras que Evagelia se ocupa de la voz y la percusión, Brian lo hace de la guitarra y programación; los dos comparten su pasión por los teclados.
New York it's not all about rush and stress, in one of its most colorful neighborhoods, Brooklyn, Elika, a musical duo formed by Evagelia Maravelias and Brian Wenckebach, makes clocks stop and time slows down. .
Their music is a mix of electronica and dream-pop combined with personality and desire to experiment. Elika components complement each other perfectly and it shows in the results, while Evagelia handles voice and percussion, Brian makes the guitar and programming; the two of them share a passion for keyboards.
Their music is a mix of electronica and dream-pop combined with personality and desire to experiment. Elika components complement each other perfectly and it shows in the results, while Evagelia handles voice and percussion, Brian makes the guitar and programming; the two of them share a passion for keyboards.
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Artwork by Evagelia used in their album Trying Got Us Nowhere |
Sus canciones son como adentrarse en un universo etéreo, soñar despierto, perderse por los rincones más alejados e ilógicos de la mente, dejarse caer en una espiral de sensaciones, la voz de Evagelia se convierte en el suave viento que susurra durante el viaje.
Su último disco, Snuggle Bunnies ( expresión cariñosa que se utiliza para llamar a la persona junto con la que no nos importaría pasar el día entero acurrucados), está compuesto por canciones que hablan de la fragilidad humana, de los cambios, de los miedos, de esos sentimientos que son de cristal. Abundan los ritmos enigmáticos, melancólicos, delicados...como si estuviesen pintados de azul, en ocasiones, intensos como las profundidades del mar y otras veces, suaves como un cielo despejado. Las canciones Stand Still, Less than Greek y Death&Avalanches realmente me han cautivado.
His songs are like stepping into an ethereal universe, daydreaming, losting in the farthest corners of the mind and illogical, dropping in a spiral of feelings, the voice of Evagelia becomes the soft wind that whispers during the travel.
His latest album, Snuggle Bunnies, is full of songs about human fragility, changes, fears, feelings that are made of glass ... It is plenty of intriguing rhythms, melancholic, delicate. Rythms painted in blue, at times intense as the deep sea and other times, soft as a clear sky. Stand Still, Less Than Greek and Death&Avalanches songs really have captivated me.
His latest album, Snuggle Bunnies, is full of songs about human fragility, changes, fears, feelings that are made of glass ... It is plenty of intriguing rhythms, melancholic, delicate. Rythms painted in blue, at times intense as the deep sea and other times, soft as a clear sky. Stand Still, Less Than Greek and Death&Avalanches songs really have captivated me.
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Snuggle Bunnies cover by Evagelia |
Además, Evagelia también da rienda suelta a su creatividad mediante la pintura; plasma los sonidos con trazos y color, da forma a un mundo que navega entre la realidad y lo onírico. Algunas de sus creaciones ilustran las portadas de sus singles y álbumes, ofreciéndonos, de este modo, otra perspectiva de su música.
Sus álbumes están disponibles en Amazon; podéis disfrutar de su música y poneros en contacto con ellos desde su página web o facebook, seguro que están encantados de leer vuestros comentarios y sugerencias.
In addition, Evagelia also gives free rein to her creativity painting; catch the sounds in the paper with strokes and colours, she shapes a world that navigates between reality and dream. Some of her creations illustrate the covers of their singles and albums, offering another perspective of their music.
Elika's albums are available on Amazon; also, you can enjoy their music and get in touch with them from their website or facebook, for sure they are happy to read your comments and suggestions.
Elika's albums are available on Amazon; also, you can enjoy their music and get in touch with them from their website or facebook, for sure they are happy to read your comments and suggestions.
Let down (Trying Got Us Nowhere), an amazing song , enjoy it!
qué BONITA!!! me ha encantado... me voy al spotify ya!!! :)
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